
TTRIGGER - Dry Fire Training Magzine For Glock 43X

TTRIGGER Dry Fire Training Magazine - Are you ready for more accuracy, superior confidence, and better handling with your Glock? Well, buckle up, because, from the moment you unpack your TTRIGGER Dry Firing Magazine, you’re only 5 minutes away from a practice that will truly prepare you for anything. Remember, for LESS than the cost of 2 boxes of ammo, you can get a tool that’ll give you thousands of trigger pulls for almost nothing!




TTrigger enables more “real-to-life” gun practice, without having to go to the range or drop a house payment on enough ammunition to make a difference. We consider TTrigger to be “The Answer” for busy Glock owners who want to enjoy a dry fire practice method without the annoying — and possibly deadly — “false muscle memory” your peers use.


TTRIGGER is a Dry Firing Magazine that uses your own gun and installs in seconds. Insert the mag and Dry Fire Practice anywhere.

  • No More Racking the Slide to Reset the Trigger
  • Practice Double Taps
  • Builds Proper Muscle Memory
  • Provides Audible & Tactical Trigger Simulation
  • Does Not Use Pistol’s Firing Pin
  • Pays for Itself in Ammo Savings
  • Practice Safely in Your Own Home




There are four different kits available for the TTRIGGER, the options are:

  • TTRIGGER that weights like a semi loaded magazine - This TTIRGGER will come in red. Weight: 5.22oz / 150 grams.
  • TTRIGGER that weights like an empty magazine - This TTIRGGER will come in blue.
  • You can add a spring kit to each of these TTRIGGERS that will allow you to change the resistence of the trigger to fit your needs. The spring kit includes three additional springs that allows you to adjust the trigger weight.

Note that each TTRIGGER comes with a black spring, pre installed which mimicks the Glock default trigger weight and a golden spring that enables a lighter trigger weight experience.

The springs

There are five springs available for the TTRIGGER, two are included with each TTRIGGER you purchase and the other three can be purchased separately.

Here are the type of springs available:

The following springs are included with the purchase of any TTRIGGER:

  • Golden Spring: 4.5-5.0 Lbs
  • Black Spring: 5.5-6.0 Lbs (preinstalled)

The following springs are purchased separately (spring kit):

  • 3.7-4.2 Lbs
  • 6.0-6.5 Lbs
  • 7.0-7.5 Lbs
TTRIGGER - Dry Fire Training Magzine For Glock 43X 5

How it works?

  1. Remove your magazine and confirm a clear barrel.
    • There’s nothing more important to us than gun safety. Please double-check your status before all training sessions.
  2. Rack your slide
    • The TTrigger uses a self-encapsulating mechanism within the ammo clip and won’t damage (or use) the firing pin.
  3. Insert the TTRIGGER magazine
    • The first trigger pull will be real, and that “sets” the TTrigger mechanism, after that, you’re ready to go.
  4. Start Shooting!
    • You can now commence clearing your house, or other area you want to be “battle-ready” in. Commence realistic dry firing practice!


Incorporating TTRIGGER training magazine into your daily routine has massive benefits, not the least of which is you’ll become harder to KILL.

Live Ammo

  • Ammo prices always rising
  • Range fees
  • Commute to shooting locations
  • Time spent setting up at locations
  • Possible hearing damage
  • Difficult to improve flinching

TTRIGGER Dry Training Magazine

  • NEVER pay range fees
  • NO more diving to/from range
  • ZERO ammo cost, forever!
  • Practice with YOUR gun
  • Simulate realistic home scenarios
  • Train anywhere, FREE!


How to replace a TTRIGGER spring?

How to operate the TTRIGGER?


Manual: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1L_w2BWYf0_aMSeTG2F1pG4TJ4yk-gbkW


How is it made?

The TTRIGGER is made from Nylon reinforced with fibers which gives the TTRIGGER its enhance durability, all the Metal parts are zinc coated so it rust free. On the assembly we check each product before it is being packed it. The TTRIGGER has been tested at fall from 7 feet high on concrete. So it is the most durable product in the market of its kind Israeli made product by security experts and ex-military special forces veter

Will it damage my Glock?

NO, the TTRIGGER operates only the trigger bridge and it doesn’t affect the barrel, the firing pin or any of its mechanisms.

How much does TTrigger weight?

5.22oz / 150 grams this weight was specially chosen to imitate a semi full magazine.

Are you working on other versions at the moment?

Currently we are working on a kit with a laser with our hard working R&D team.

My TTRIGGER doesn't work as it suposed to

You might need to adjust the magazine to your Glock model, please see the following video:

TTrigger Adjustment

Additional information


TTRIGGER for Glock 43X Only, TTRIGGER for Glock 43X+ Spring kit, TTRIGGER Light for Glock 43X Only, TTRIGGER Light for Glock 43X + Spring kit, Spring Kit Only



Manufactured at

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